Brittany Johnson

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since Feb 22, 2015
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Hi there, I was wondering if you've figured out a way to cycle the water without the use of a pump. When I eventually get my own land I want to try and be as self-sufficient as possible and grow all my own food on as little electricity as possible. A precaution for those "what-if" scenarios where the power goes out or something. I want solar power but I'd still like to know if it is doable. My thinking is that when you plug a sink, fill it with water, and then pull the plug gravity is forcing it down and there's enough force to push it through the pipes. Same idea with a drink and a straw -- gravity pushes on the fluid in the cup as well as through the straw, making an equal push so it doesn't move. When you suck the air through the straw there's no more gravitational push on that end and gravity pushes the fluid down and it comes up through the straw. Is it possible that a big enough container filled with enough water will have enough gravity pushing down on it that it will be able to force it's way up a tub and into the grow bed, where it will then drain down back into the fish tank, all on its own?

I'll probably need some way to add water to the system regularly as this would only be plausible if there is a certain amount of water and once the water runs low it would have to be re-primed. Like a manual siphon for cleaning aquarium tanks.
9 years ago