Karen Beck

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since Feb 23, 2015
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I recently purchased a Doe with a single kid, so that I could try my hand at share milking. (Along with an open yearling doe - so I have 3 goats total). The kid is almost one month old and very robust now, so I am hoping the timing is right to start milking the doe. I have worked on my relationship with the doe, who now comes when called and leads easily. I found plans for a milking stand and my husband is making me one. So is there a right way to start milking her??? For example should I milk in the AM for what I want, or is the evening better? Should I always milk at the same time each day and let the kid nurse the rest of the day? The kid will be weaned soon, and I would like to continue milking the goat. Do I have to go to twice a day milking then? If I plan to breed the doe again this winter, when should I stop milking her to let her body recover and prepare for gestation?

My plan initially is to use the milk for my dogs which I feed a RAW diet, and my upcoming litter of puppies. This way I can practice milking and get better at doing it, keeping the milk from getting dirty or contaminated during the collection process, etc. before collecting milk for my family's consumption.

I am hoping your book addresses this topic!

9 years ago