john thomas

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since Feb 26, 2015
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Yes Jay, the wealth of information was awesome! You really should publish a reference book! Thank You!

As soon as the snow melts I will start digging down by hand to a depth of 48 inches and tamping item 4 stone.
Then I will add rock vertically in a herringbone pattern to grade level.
My plan is to shape pink granite blocks 30x40,with a height of 32 inches,similar in size to a old railroad bridge foundation.

My question is,should I attach my Hemlock 8x10 sill beams to the granite blocks? Lag shield anchor,or just use gravity with a rebar pin for wind shear?
9 years ago
Thank You Bill! I will search Google for info. I would like to go with a large single piece of Granite if possible. That would save lots of time and I think would look great. I just have to find or quarry 12 large pieces for the piers.

10 years ago
Thank You Bill, I would like to learn more about Podlii foundation design.Recently I have begun a new job at the Railroad and do not have any vacation time yet.I would not be able to travel to Utah at this time.My timber frame cabin will have12 piers and measure 24x40,with a loft.I have purchased a Norwood sawmill to make all the lumber and would love to use the pink granite on site for the foundation and fireplace.I have 8 acres of dense Forrest to chose from. I'm thinking Hemlock for the frame and Yellow Birch and Sugar Maple for the flooring.I'm not interested in insulation and would like to make as small as possible impact on the property by doing most work by hand.Where can I research Podlii foundation design?
10 years ago
Hello; I am new to this forum and have a question about building a timber frame cabin foundation. My build site is in the Adirondacks on a small hill with a high water table. I have hand dug to a depth of 4 foot and found small rocks to 2 feet,then sand and water at about 3 feet.My question is this; can I use a granite pier foundation on gravel? I'm no fan of concrete and would prefer using the raw materials on site.
10 years ago