Ed Hoffman

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since Mar 02, 2015
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Here in the Pacific Northwest U.S. The wet cooler climate doesn’t seem to bother my plums at all, in fact they do great. I do compost around them heavily, it’s supposed to help them get through the cold winter. Now peaches are another story, they get leaf curl a lot. Once in awhile I have a really great year with them, so I keep trying. I read epsom salt (which is not really salt) helps them alot. I use Sea/90, which is sea solids. While there is sea salt in, it’s also full of trace minerals.
10 months ago
I’ll send a picture of my two older Brooks when they are in bloom, maybe two weeks.
10 months ago
Another peach tree
10 months ago
Not the right discussion, but you guys have been so receptive and kind.
I thought I’d share!
My peach trees are blooming nicely!
10 months ago
Another picture
10 months ago
These two plum trees came up as volunteers from my existing Brooks plum trees about 5 years ago. I transplanted them to another spot in my garden.
They have alotta blooms on them just as they did last year. I already warned them twice if they don’t produce any plums this year, I’m taking the axe to them!
And I mean it this time..
10 months ago
I’ve learned to be patient!🙂
10 months ago
Funny how we are on this subject!
This afternoon one of my old neighbors stopped by he moved to the east coast three years ago. He came to the front gate and the first thing that came out of his mouth was “Hey Ed are the plums ripe.” We had a good laugh. And he said he thinks about those plums every August. The best plums he ever had.
Get a Brooks plum tree, your neighbors will thank you for years to come!
10 months ago
About 10 years ago in early September, my wife said she was gonna make a plum pie!
I was like, what ever, I don’t think that’s gonna work but if that’s what you want to do.
And oh my god, it was the best pie I’ve ever had.
She said she just slices them in quarters and puts them in. But the “Brooks” are a larger variety.
We drive over to White Fish every year to get Huckleberries and she makes Huckleberry pie among other things, but I like plum pie more!
10 months ago
I’m in the south sound area of the Pacific Northwest. I’ve had Brooks plums in my garden for about 30 years, they do amazingly well in our climate. They are an offshoot of the iltalian prune, but are 4 times the size and amazingly sweet with a honey like flavor. They are great right off the tree, dried or canned. I’ve made fruit roll ups out of them for years. My wife started making pies out of them, absolutely incredible, theflesh stays light colored and firm like a peach.
If you plant a 5’ tree it will start producing in about 3 years. It start fruiting heavier after about 5 years and the flavor will improve as it gets older.
Self pollinating. And you’ll havta keep an eye on your neighbors, but we get so many I don’t mind if they help themselves!
10 months ago