Davide Scroccaro

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since Mar 26, 2015
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Recent posts by Davide Scroccaro

Thank you so much for your suggestions! Very interesting the Prescott College's program
9 years ago
Hello Rafter,

Your post has been suggested to me in this Forum. In fact I'm going to finish my M.Sc degree this year in Environmental Engineering and then I'm trying to define or have an idea of what to do I'd like to attend a Permaculture Design Course (this for sure) because I'm really interested in this field but meantime I'd like to learn more about Permaculture doing a Phd research in these subjects. I tried to look for some University having Permaculture as a Phd research but with no result..So I read your post and I wondered if you can give me some suggestion, some tips...

I'd like to do an experimental, practical Phd not only bibliographic...

I wrote a lot of things all together but I hope I was clear

Thank you for your suggestions!

9 years ago
I'm studying Environmental Engineering (related to waste management, Environmental impact assessment, river engineering and so on)
9 years ago
Thank for your suggestions

Have you some links to give me about Gaia University? Where is it located?

9 years ago
Hello everyone,

I'm a student at the end of my Master science degree and I would like to go on with my studies having as a main topic Permaculture. I'd like to know if there are some Academic programs, in particular Doctorate ones, which make research in some subjects related directly or indirectly to Permaculture. I'm looking for a research program in different University but I didn't find it.

Is there anyone that can suggest me some Universities (contatcts, website etc.) working at Permaculture?

I'm open to all University in the world

Thank you so much for your help!

9 years ago