Eric Conce

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since Mar 28, 2015
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Recent posts by Eric Conce

Hi everyone,
I'm looking into growing hazelnut, yet am having trouble determining if they will grow will in my area. I have read that certain cultivars are grown commercially in Italy and Australia (zone 9-10, yet am wondering if the winters in my area (coastal Portugal zone 9) may be too mild, and not have enough frost hours. Our typical winter days are 30-45F and some nights may hit 0F. I appreciate any advice on this subject (even including possible cultivars, success chances, etc.)

-Eric C.
9 years ago
Hi everyone,
I am currently looking to buy a large quantity of peanut seeds (variety: runner & spanish). I was wondering if anyone could provide me with a link to a vendor carrying bulk seeds- I appreciate it!

-Eric C.
Hi everyone,
I am trying to determine wholesale prices for herbs within Europe. If someone could direct me to an online resource with a detailed herb list, I would be very appreciative.
9 years ago

R Ranson wrote:If you aren't living in the plants historical range, perhaps you can double check that it won't naturalize in your area and/or push out any beneficial species native to your area. Do they compete with a plant that other species rely on for food?

Interesting you mention this. I was interested in the plant as bee forage since it is an incredible source in coastal Australia, and I live in a similar environment in coastal Portugal. My mother-in-law informed me that a very similar species of Echium used to grow like weeds along the entire coast- until all the locals pulled them out to cultivate their lands. It seemed like a solid decision after that.
9 years ago
Thanks for the great response! I'll make sure to keep an eye on the spacing/ overgrowth in the area.
9 years ago
Hi everyone,
I'm interested in planting Echium vulgare around my area in a larger quantity, and was leaning toward the seedball method to do so. I'm open to all tips/details in order to pull this off with success.(I live in a coastal zone 9 area with very mild winters and warm dry summers) Thanks!
9 years ago
Hi everyone,
I am interested in growing some Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) in my area, but I am wondering if it poses any risk for spreading fire. My land is located in a Pine/Eucalyptus/Acacia forest in coastal Portugal- which has been known to have forest fires due to the invasive Eucalyptus here. I just want to take precautions. Thanks for the advice!
9 years ago