sean cruz

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since Apr 17, 2015
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I actually have quite a bit to share with you on this topic.

Bone loss is usually due to a poor diet. What constitutes a poor diet you might ask, a typical american diet and a typical "healthy" diet are both equally poor. The problem is a result of malnourishiment.

What is missing is the right kind of Vitamin D, the right kind of Vitamin A and the right kind of Vitamin K. It is normally not because you don't have enough calcium. These three vitamins together control how calcium is used within the body.

How is diet involved then? Several things including toxins in the food, too many vegetables, the wrong kind of meat (or none at all) and a damaged gut causing mal-absorption of nutrients.

The solution can be difficult but it is:
1. eliminate processed food from the diet
2. eat gut healing foods such as home made bone broths and egg yolks
3. eat probiotic foods like home made yogurt, kefir and fermented vegetables
4. restrict or eliminate refined carbohydrate consumption like wheat flour and sugar
5. eat the foods that contain high amounts of the above mentioned nutrients

Item 5 is possibly the MOST IMPORTANT step you can do. These nutrients are found almost exclusively in fatty animal tissues. This is why everyone is low in Vit D for example, too many vegetarian and low fat diets. Why animal fats? Because these are the oil soluble versions of these nutrients. Plants only contain the water soluble versions, and these are also incomplete and must be converted by your gut into the oil soluble and human usable version. Unfortunately this conversion is often inadequate at best, and if you gut is messed up it might not be happening at all.

Dark meat and skin (like chicken) contain 10x these nutrients than lean meats do. Fruits and vegetables contain ZERO. If you really want to heal, it's organ meats that you need: goose liver, pork heart, calf liver, etc. At least once a week, preferably 2-3 times a week until you start feeling better. Additionally these MUST be from grass-fed pastured animals. Industrial raised animals feed inadequate diets without sunshine and access to fresh pasture might be very fatty, but they are also highly deficient in these nutrients as well.

To find local sources for these foods contact your local Weston A. Price Foundation chapter leader. If you have difficulty with that let me know (i am the chapter leader in Spokane).

Good luck I would be interested in hearing how you ultimately try to solve this.
9 years ago