S Fraser

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since Apr 19, 2015
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Recent posts by S Fraser

With all that hassle I may consider glass instead.

Thanks for the quick reply
9 years ago
Hi all,
Has anyone on here used clear polycarbonate roofing panels on their house? Had any issues with building codes or even runoff (rain barrel capture) problems?
9 years ago
Awesome! Thanks for your research and tips... Will put in an overflow diverted into a cistern and look further into PVC piping!
9 years ago
Thanks for the reply!
Yes, I live on Vancouver Island so blessed with lots of rain. There would be two of these systems on the house (and a composting toilet-so no water needs for that)
9 years ago
Hi fellow permies!
I've been drawing up some rough plans on how I will use rainwater for showers and bathroom + kitchen sink. Basically, the barrels are aligned horizontally on the gutter line on both the front and back of the house.
#1 barrel is for filtration
#2/3 barrels are for cold water
#4 barrel is for hot water (ran through a compost bin that is cycled every month or so)
The three functioning barrels will be ran into new plumbing. Does anyone have any advice on this kind of project?

Thanks a lot!
9 years ago
Hello everyone,
Just found this site and wow what a wealth of knowledge! I am currently constructing plans for my first "eco-friendly" homestead and in looking into his I can build a system sending my rain barrel water through a filter and back into the house for showers and dishes (not intended for drinking) - then back out for garden water! If anyone has any experience or ideas please let me know
9 years ago