Oliver Goshey

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since Apr 21, 2015
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Recent posts by Oliver Goshey

Hi Nicolas,
my name is Oliver and i'm a cob and natural home designer and contractor based in washington state. i would love to help you out with any questions and estimates to help you get started and i even have preparation lists for planning a build project or a workshop that i can make available to you if youre interested.
i have worked in conventional building and remodeling for six years before becoming a marine engineer and electrician on container vessels through the marine fireman's union. for the last three years i apprenticed with the cob cottage company and worked on cob and adobe structures all around the western US as well as Ecuador and most recently designed and build a cob house in the Philippines. if this is your first attempt at working with cob there are many pitfalls and simple mistakes that i can help you avoid in order to see your project through to the best you can envision. feel free to contact me at oliver.goshey@gmail.com
i look forward to being of service
9 years ago
Hello, my name is Oliver, I am a natural home builder and permaculture designer by trade, and have just finished my last building contract in the Philippines. I have worked on several organic farms and and build sites around the world, as well as having work experience as an engineer and electrician in the merchant marines and conventional build trades. i'm very interested in your site and projects and i think i could be a valuable asset to your ambitions. my partner and i live near everett at the moment and we would love to schedule a time to come visit your farm and talk more with you and the other members about how we could work together, especially in regards to community building and expansion. you can contact me at oliver.goshey@gmail.com
i look forward to hearing from you soon
9 years ago