"Be the change you wish to see." I believe it's my responsibility to improve myself every day, to change for the better. It isn't my wife's responsibility or anyone else's responsibility to improve me or change me. But, when anyone else has a criticism of me, or offers a suggestion that might make me a better person, before I allow myself to become defensive and reject what they're saying, I have to ask "Is there any truth in what this person is saying?" If there is, then I have to decide whether it is worth sacrificing a small part of who I currently am, to become someone better and benefit other people directly or society as a whole. If so, why wouldn't I want to change? I've heard a lot of people say things like "Love me or leave me." We shouldn't change because others want us to. We should change because we want to. It's just that sometimes other people can help us identify things we might want to consider working on that we're oblivious to.
As far as some of the things people think about you: "Some people think I am too arrogant, too fat, too obnoxious, not as funny as I think I am or too rude," I don't care if you're obnoxious or any of the other names people have called you. I'm good friends with some fairly obnoxious and/or rude people. I listen to some radio talk show hosts that are obnoxious, as well, and they provide a great service to society, as you do. But I just think you would be surprised at how many people avoid situations where crude language is used, whether in movies, with certain friends, or on permaculture sites.
I like Charles Kleff's post above about releasing a second version of podcasts, DVD's, etcetera, that have been edited. That way those who giggle when you swear can still have their laugh, and those of us who don't want to hear crude language can still benefit by the many great things you have to offer. You could put a G-rating on the edited version, and you could put an F-rating on the other.
Just think of it as a true capitalist would: How can I increase my income the most for the smallest effort? It sounds as if a lot of people enjoy hearing your swear, but it would be interesting to see how many people really don't appreciate the colorful language and would opt to buy or download the edited versions of your products instead. My bet is that the edited versions would be a fairly significant percentage. It might be a fun experiment that actually increases your bottom line.
Anyway, it's your blood, sweat, and tears - I'd just like to be able to feel comfortable about going to your site or buying your products, and I would like to be able to share your site with a lot of people who feel the same as me. After all, at the end of the day, aren't you trying to persuade as many people as possible to get on the permaculture bandwagon? On YOUR permaculture bandwagon? If so, then maybe you might want to add a few additional seats on it.
Thanks for your time!