Amy Kru

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since Apr 25, 2015
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Recent posts by Amy Kru

Has anyone heard if Sepp still has his liberty in Austria?  I am concerned.  Thank you!
3 years ago
I posted earlier today about how hugelkulturs provide critical habitat for native bees.  I consider this to be an important contribution everyone with access to a yard can make.  Keep planting flowers!  The hummingbirds and bees were all over my red centered cone flower exactly one minute after I took it out of the car!  Joe Pye Weed provides privacy for you and is a good friend to the pollinators.  That is just one example.  Thyme as ground cover helps.  The University of Minnesota Bee Lab has a ton of information on the subject.

Thank you for this important post!!
6 years ago
My friend is a Native Bee researcher at the University of Minnesota.  I told her about Hugelkultur, she put one in her yard in St. Paul, and for the first time in 20 years, has BEES nesting in her yard in the Hugelkultur!  This is what I consider to bee  another major benefit of hugelkulturs.  I thought I would share and encourage everyone to spread the word that hugelkulturs are also helping to save endangered species that are critical to our survival (pollinators).   Thank you!  Keep on a-growin' and being the answer to most of the questions.
6 years ago
When my friend gets these notices from the city about her overgrown plants in the alley next to her garage she calls her alderman and says they are part of her religious practice and asks him to call off the hounds. It works every year.
9 years ago