J. Jost

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since Apr 27, 2015
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Recent posts by J. Jost

Hi Chris,
We are in N. Idaho-- zone 5, and are considering installing an underground back- up water holding system also.
I second Kyle's post-
I have not heard of any plastic tanks failing, but, I would be leary of building a permanent structure over the tank.
Would you elaborate on the earthen roof, please?

7 years ago
Highly recommmend-

The Food and Heat Producing Solar Greenhouse: Design, Construction, and Operation Paperback – February, 1980
by Bill Yanda (Author), Rick Fisher  (Author)
1 Format: Paperback

Heard of this one from
On the Farmer to Farmer podcast
7 years ago
I am researching this project for a friend who is looking into buying this dvd & plans.
I see a lot of "reviews" saying, "they look forward to building this greenhouse", but, no experiential data.
I see lots of advertising but, very little pictures of results.
Also, I am not a fan of bringing tires into a living environment.
The friends are living on a suburban lot & have no experience building, would an ordinary couple be able to build something like this (10x20') & how much $$?
Any other questions they should research before they buy this heavily marketed set of plans?
8 years ago
We are exploring the use of wood heated radiant floor heat--
Any responses to this question or info. or personal experiences you could relay to us?
Thanks-- Green
8 years ago
Hello Dale,
The concrete floor looks great! What did you yse to seal it with?
9 years ago