Hey Permies, I'm currently in the process of getting into Gardening, and growing things on my own.
I've done small amounts of my own research into soil qualities and what can be grown with what, and temps and what not... but i currently am trying to grow Chillies (peppers) and Citrus (lemons and / or Oranges) from seed, so that i can graft them at a later date.
Currently, the citrus don't seem to really be growing (i've placed into a bag and a damp piece of paper towel) and they've sprouted and been moved into soil, that has been covered by plastic wrap and kept at a steady temperature.
A few issues seem to be, its just coming into winter now, which isn't meant to rain much here, but it is getting to about 5-10 degree's overnight, which i know for the chillies/peppers, is too cold... but not sure about the Citrus...
i guess the main thing i need to know, is there much difference between which plant i use as a rootstock for grafting, or do some just develop easier/faster? and, does it matter what i graft onto them? (i'm currently looking at grafting bushlemons / kaffir limes).
Also, any advice for the actual grafting i should know about? i've seen a few video's that show how to, but i guess until i do it, i won't know but more advice is welcome