Mark Southard

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Lehigh Valley, PA USA
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Recent posts by Mark Southard

Artisanal Structures LLC ( builds using Natural Building methods and materials such as timber-framing, straw bale walls, earthen and lime plaster wall finishes, raw stone, hand forged steel, etc.
We are now building a timber framed house w straw bale covered by lime outside n earthen plaster inside. Also remodeling an 1860's farmhouse. If your students are interested in gaining this type of experience have them contact me.
The timber frame straw bale house is being built on 32 acres at Little Pond Arts Retreat ( where there are self catering accommodations.
Learning activities offered would include timber framing, Strawbale wall construction, lime and earthen plaster, and other building arts.
If you are experienced or interested in learning this fulfilling way of building send a brief description of why you want to build with us and what you have to offer.

Artisanal Structures LLC
Mark S. Southard, Owner
3560 Route 378
Bethlehem, PA 18015
8 years ago
Artisanal Structures LLC ( builds using Natural Building methods and materials such as timber-framing, straw bale walls, earthen and lime plaster wall finishes, raw stone, hand forged steel, etc.
We are now building a timber framed house w straw bale covered by lime outside n earthen plaster inside. Also remodeling an 1860's farmhouse. If your students are interested in gaining this type of experience have them contact me.
The timber frame straw bale house is being built on 32 acres at Little Pond Arts Retreat ( where there are self catering accommodations.
Learning activities offered would include timber framing, Strawbale wall construction, lime and earthen plaster, and other building arts.
If you are experienced or interested in learning this fulfilling way of building send a brief description of why you want to build with us and what you have to offer.

Artisanal Structures LLC
Mark S. Southard, Owner
3560 Route 378
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Sent from my iPhone
Hello Everyone!
Thought you all might like this video we made here at Artisanal Structures of the dismantling of a 1850's timber frame barn.

The timbers you see in the video are going to be used to build a home in Nazareth PA at Little Pond. This year’s project and workshop offerings utilize the construction of a 1200 square foot timber framed strawbale home with adjoining 500 square foot solarium/breezeway. All the stone, timbers and lumber for the frame, floors, trim, stone walls and details is repurposed material from a 1850’s barn. The walls are lime plaster exterior and clay plaster interior. The project focuses on natural building techniques and the re-salvaging of materials.

Check out the video and if your interested in signing up for a workshop follow this link:
Artisanal Structures Workshops

Also for project updates you can follow us on facebook: Artisanal Structures Facebook Page

More videos and photos soon!


Mark Southard
Hello Chad and Jay,

Chad, So glad to hear your close by! The price listed on the website for the timberframing workshop is for the whole week, $375 and it goes from June 29th to July 3th. There is camping ($10 per night) as well as basic lodging ($15 per night) at the Little Pond Arts retreat where the workshop and raising will take place. All you have to do is add however many nights you are staying to your cart with the timber frame workshop and check out.

Here is the accommodations page for you to check out:

Hope to see you there!


Thanks for the advice, I am new to this forum. Just trying to get the word out about these workshops as much as possible. I will be sure to say hello to Sigi for you, she is a great member of this team.
The week of the timber frame workshop will consist of first the raising of the frame of the new home using timbers from the barn we are dismantling; those will be precut prior to the workshop. Then during the workshop the rest of the solarium will be cut and raised by the participants. This course will be great for an orientation and basics course in Timber Framing.

I hope this helps!

9 years ago
Hello Everyone!
Just wanted to reach out to you all and let you know that Artisanal Structures of Bethlehem, PA, will be have a series of workshops this summer; Timberframing, Strawbale walls, Lime and Clay Plaster, Cabinetmaking, Concrete countertops, Cob Oven and Dry Stone Wall. The workshops are being operated in partnership with Woodcraft supply and Down To Earth Design.

Currently we are dismantling a barn build in the 1850s which will be repurposed to build the 1200sq ft home and 500sq ft solarium/breezeway. Everyone who takes part in the workshops will be part of the team that will be building this home. Workshops start in June!

For more information and to sign up check out our website at:

Let me know if you have any questions or shoot me an email at !

Hope to see you there!
Thanks so much,
Mark Southard

9 years ago