Hey all, I've been working on my mountainous NorCal homestead for about 8 months now and after packing all my yurt supplies and furniture on my back up a 30% grade I realize that its time I built a pulley to more easily get heavy stuff from the road to the home-site. I need something that can pull up to 500lb uphill, through trees to the ridge, the cableway also has to bend in a couple places which seems technically possible, but the only information relevant to my needs are about commercial cable logging, or backyard ziplines, not a lot in between. My question is: does anyone have experience doing something like this or know of any material I can read to become more acquainted with home/farm-scale cableways? I need to start surveying a path, and I have a rough idea where I want the line to go, but would greatly benefit from surveying advice. This seems like the closest thing to what I'm after, but still to heavy duty industrial than what is necessary: