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Boriana Karan

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since Jun 30, 2015
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Hi Everybody,
My name is Boriana and I live in Toronto. My kids and their friends go to the Equinox Alternative primary school. My mother volunteers in a Saturday Chilean school,heavily focused on sustainability.
I just got certified as a Permaculture designer by Geoff Lawton and the World became The Perfect Place!!!
The teachers' interest in Equinox and the Chilean school in Permaculture is so inspiring and I've been working on a few small projects with different grades...All the "lessons" I had came out with I have tried to tailor from my perm lectures and have been really difficult to figure out what would be kids appropriate...
Any help about curriculum, text - books of any kind and videos will be beyond appreciated.
Is "The permaculture Student ..." going to be available in any other form than learning on location?
Please, HELP, as we are deciding on the content for the coming school year now.
Absolutely admiring you, all

9 years ago