Susan Clark

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since Jul 02, 2015
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The generator has been sold. The Heartland Woodburning Cookstove price was reduced to $3000 obo. Let us know if anyone is interested!!
9 years ago

Thank you for your kindness in explaining how I can connect to the "Community Cookstove" website and for all the information.

Do you have any thoughts on a site where we could advertise a Kohler 14KW 120/240V single phase propane fuel generator and a 500 gal propane fuel tank? Would ppl on this site be interested in that type of thing?

Thanks again,
9 years ago
I have updated the ad for the Heartland Sweetheart Woodburning Cookstove to include photos of the grate and firebox. The model and serial numbers are included as well. If anyone has ideas about the best way to go about selling this stove, please let me know. Thanks.
9 years ago
Hello all,

We have a Heartland Sweetheart woodburning cookstove for sale. It was purchased by my husband's aunt for her farmhouse...just in case..someday she might need it. It was used only a handful of times and is in like new condition. We are located in SE Washington state. Here is the link to our craigslist ad: Thank you for looking.
9 years ago