The site is in NW Arkansas in the Ozark Mountains. I have not tested the soil yet, but my guess is that it is loamy, but very rocky. No guess for Ph. Rainfall is 40-50 inches on average. My lot is approx 135 wide x 240 deep and is approx 15 degrees off N-S facing. Plan is to clear out the back 50 feet (50x135) of the lot for my food forest. The selected site slopes toward the south and is surrounded by mature trees on all 4 sides, so I don't think selective and underbrush clearing will open up enough light. Even if I completely cleared out the 50 ft. swath, I would still have shade on the south side due to large trees on the south property line. I know I will get quite a bit of southern sun in the summer but less in spring and fall. Looking at a sun calculator, most of my sun would be from the east and west across the 50 ft clearing.
Clearing that swath is not ideal as I hate taking out those trees and it will be very expensive, but if I want to grow food on this property, I don't think I have a choice. At least I will have plenty of wood for my hugelkultur berms and fire wood.