Hello Missoulians,
This is my first time posting on the Permaculture website, I am not very active on the internet, mostly I am out in the woods.
I am a former resident of Missoula, certified permaculturist, homesteader, craftsmen, and traditional skill instructor. I left Missoula with my wife three years ago to complete an internship at the North House Folk School
North House Folk School on Lake Superior. Before leaving Missoula I worked for someone most of you probably know, Mark Vander Meer. Also, I am an anonymous sawmill operator in one of Pauls Videos.
I have been building an off grid water access property on the edge of the one million acre Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCA) and running a sawmill in Minnesota since completing my internship as well as teaching some traditional craft/bushcraft.
My wife and I are certified in Permaculture. We are hoping to move back to the Missoula area atleast part time. We fell in love with the Montana landscape and Missoula when we lived there, and want Montana to be part of our life again.
We are looking to lease or trade our considerable skills, and also a portable sawmill (I will run it but could teach you) in return for a place to erect a yurt, park a tiny house on wheels, or build a small dovetail cabin.
You would potentially get
skilled labor/improvements to your land like outbuildings, or help building your homestead
forest management and wild fire prevention work
custom sawmilling/lumber
We would get
a tiny house spot/yurt spot/land
I have experience with timber framing, log building, dovetail log cabin construction, stick frame construction, green building techniques, ecological restoration, residential electric installation, and sustainable forestry/logging to name a few things.
My wife is a green thumb and has always helped me with all this stuff.
We do a wide variety of traditional crafts including birch bark canoe building, green woodworking/carving, basket making, snowshoes, skis, toboggans, tents etc. and bushcrafting.
We are minimalist trying to live simply, craft a hand made life, and live with the land. I am particularly interested in indigenous land management, wild crafting, and living with wild ecosystems.
I have a craigslist post with pictures of some of our work, and some additional information, if you are interested in seeing what we have to offer.
craigslist post
We are also interested in trading our skills/labor for land, a building site, or even building you a cabin on your land that we live in for several years free of rent in return for building it.
I am open to ideas.
If you think we can help each other out-please don't hesitate to contact me.
Thanks Lindy