Moose Moore

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since Aug 17, 2015
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Here is a picture of my fathers male (cock) barred rock bantam. and a trio of them
9 years ago
p.s. since you said you were unfamiliar with chicken terms

a young female is a pullet, and older one is a hen
a young male is a cockrel and an older one is a cock. there are specific ages as to when they go from chick to pullet/cockrel to hen/cock (hen and cock are 1 yr and older).

9 years ago
The Dark chicken is what looks like a barred rock, it may not be show quality, but that's what he looks like.
Depending on the birds age I'd say he is going to be a rooster, there is a way to sex the bird also.

My Dad and family has been raising chickens for over 50 years, he raises exhibition chickens. He has always had barred rocks.
If that helps you. you can also go to the APA (American Poultry Association).
I have a pictures of male barred rocks if that will help.

p.s. the other chicken looks like a columbian rock, in case you are curious.

I hope this helped you, and I didnt offend you.
9 years ago