Nicolas Remy

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since Aug 18, 2015
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+1 for the kindling cracker.

We bought a house 2 year ago that we heat only with wood. On the first year we did the kindling with a good fiskar axe.
It was ok-ish doing it like that but I doubted it was the safest way. Sometimes my girlfriend would do some kindling and watching her was giving me heart attacks ..

Somehow I came across the kindling cracker on pinterest, checked it out and bought it.
It is amazingly fast and easy to make the kindling with it, way way faster then with the axe! I totally recommend it. The wood I split is 33cm 1 year old birch logs.

The only down side is that it "rings" when you crack the wood which can be a strain on the hear so I use a headset when I do kindle.
Other then that it works great :d.
8 years ago