Jeremy wheaton

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since Aug 22, 2015
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Recent posts by Jeremy wheaton

Hi William, thanks for the idea of the backer board. I'm leaning towards brick on the sides and tile on the top of the mass. I'll have to post some more details as I pry them from my head. This is going to happen next spring, so I've got lots of time to build it incorrectly over the winter (in my mind...) Keep the ideas and input flowing gang. Thanks!
9 years ago
Thanks Glenn, I have been given some great advice much in line with yours from a fellow member that did this very type of installment. He suggested the same thing you did which I will be implementing. He suggested to have the j tube and mass in the greenhouse to keep the heat inside as opposed to having the j tube outside the greenhouse and piping the heat in, which was my first thought. He also suggested to have the mass as an above ground bench type thingy on which to have plants happily warmed. Buy was I wrong! I will just have to "skin" the mass with brick to keep it waterproof from the humidity and also watering plants, duh!

Thanks for your response again!
9 years ago
Thomas, thanks for the details ands additional photos, it really helps a newbie like me get a better understanding for this project. I'm really glad to see your solution as I've been considering the cob wrapped in brick or time as a solution for myself as well. My only sticking point or more accurately, a mental hurdle, is the cob creation. I get it on a fundamental level. I'm just not sure about the step by step for cob. Does you buy clay material or use onsite stuff from your land?

I'm buying a pre fabbed greenhouse so my modifications are limited a bit more. My current plan is to have the j tube and exhaust outside the greenhouse.

Trial and error are am important step I'm getting ready to take!
9 years ago
Next season I am planning to build a greenhouse over a poured cement foundation here in Montana. The structure will be about 9'x20'. I would like to keep it warmer in winter months with a rmh solution. I'm not sure how I should best install a mass for it. Should I bury the pipe in the cement without anymore insulation? Should I have the cement guys leave a ditch cleared that I can insulate the pipe inside? Should I build a mass inside the greenhouse that also could act as a bench of sorts? This will be my first real rmh, but I have made a small test one that has worked as I would expect. Thanks for any suggestions!
9 years ago
Hello fellow Montanan and congrats on your rmh success! Can you share your method for heating the greenhouse? I am planning on installing a greenhouse next season and would like to get some ideas to incorporate into my plan. Thanks for your time.
9 years ago