Jeffrey Howard

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since Aug 26, 2015
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If you are viewing the pic from a iPhone I had to save it to zoom in to see the numbers. Also the south side of the community boarders Florida water management property so nothing can be built there.
9 years ago
Thanks, it is a planned community so no one will ever have less than a acre it is mostly undeveloped. There is houses here and there and the power is only run to the existing houses so if you are more then the next lot over you have to pay the power company to run it the extra way. Here is the link ( )to the community and a pic of all the land and lots most if not all of the purchased properties are marked in numerical order of purchase.
9 years ago
You would think that they wouldnt spend the extra money on clay if it wasn't close/cost effective may as well pave it. I know for a fact there is a lot of clay in north Fl and south GA I have lived in central fl my whole life too and I have been to every end of this state. I just google searched it and where I'm building in the panhandle there is a lot of red clay. I know I need to still do a soil test and will be driving the 6 hour drive to check out the property and get a soil sample during the upcoming holiday weekend. Any tips on how to get a soil sample? Also if I get this figured out this neighbor hood is great for permies people, the lots are no smaller then 1 acre some as low as $900 it's called compass lake in the hills
9 years ago
Hello new to the forum and have been doing a lot of research on cob building. Does anyone know any architect or structural engineer near North West Fl. I am trying to keep it as cost effective as possible and plan on building it with family and maybe volenteers. I know that the roads in the neighborhood are clay so finding that won't be a problem and most likely have it right on the property.
9 years ago