Chrysalis Ostrander

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Permaculture Eco-Village in NE Washington has Openings: Two Apprentices - Potential Permanent Residency

We have openings for two people to come plug into our Eco-Village project beginning early 2024 (could be a couple or not, families or singles). We're going to spend the winter doing outreach and connect with folks all over the place. There must be people out there for whom this opportunity resonates with their own vision forward in permaculture. The land here is calling out for Earth stewards to come and be part of its ecosystem.

The Eco-Village is a sanctuary seeking devotees, not in any religious sense, although it is often a spiritual quest that drives someone to embrace permaculture. We are looking for people who are devoted to creating rural self-sufficiency for themselves through permaculture in community. We offer an environment free of rent or mortgage and ask only for active mindful participation.

We seek a farmer and a builder to each contribute about 20 hours a week. Please note: This is not an employment opportunity. It is a lifestyle choice.

We seek a farmer/herbalist/horticulturalist/propagator/permaculture practitioner, or a wannabe, who loves experiencing soil, plants and sharing the surplus and who can commit to put in the time and intention required. You would join the two farmers already here to collectively tend the gardens, pastures, food forest, livestock and seed bank and share equitably in the fruits of that labor in the form of food, money and the incalculable value that comes from living the life.

We seek a builder who's into permaculture whose primary role would be contributing to building and maintaining the Eco-Village and farm infrastructure including structures, machinery, equipment, irrigation and energy production facilities. You would work closely with Bezaleel Israel who terraformed the land over a thirty-year period and built the existing infrastructure largely by himself. BZ has 60 years experience being a Jack-of-all-trades. Mechanical work on almost everything (except modern computer cars). Converting Diesel engines to run on recycled vegetable oil, maintaining a fishing boat, tractors, logging equipment, aircraft, commercial refrigeration, metal fabrication, acetylene and arc welding, rural construction, concrete, using heavy equipment for land development, alternative energy, farming, gardening, seed saving and teaching permaculture. There's no compensation for the builder/infrastructure apprenticeship beyond a share of the food the farm produces, shop space, access to tools and equipment and no rent to pay (common expenses shared), so it makes most sense for someone who seeks permanent residency to apply for this apprenticeship so that the fruits of the work put in potentially become collectively your own in time with personal improvements individually-owned. Anyone with the kinds of skills listed here would be able to easily find part-time paid work locally, also join the farming collective or find other means for income on or off Village grounds.

After a successful 60-day trial period you would become an apprentice Village member until the end of the year, renewable, with permanent residency potential.

Farming and infrastructure activities would be done in accordance with permaculture ethics and principles and will contribute to the assembly and implementation of the Eco-Village permaculture design.

We most hope to find folks who arrive open to the idea of joining the Village permanently if the situation feels right.

We are part way through a long, complicated process of establishing the Eco-Village land resource as a permaculture trust and restore the land to more like a commons so the land will be collectively managed, permaculturally, in perpetuity. The Eco-Village is for demonstrating to our local community and the world what industrial/technological climb-down, human re-connection to the natural world and voluntary simplicity look like-- what permaculture looks like in practice.

This year we formally created the BZ Permaculture Farm Collective, a Washington Non-profit Mutual Corporation. It's independent from the Eco-Village but is permitted to steward the rich soils, waters and plant communities and practice regenerative production agriculture on the grounds as a non-profit collective micro-farm. Members of the BZ Farm Collective are all self-employed farmers. For the past two years we have demonstrated the economic viability of the farming operation here despite being severely limited by lack of extra help. We have a small on-line vegetable seed business, we sell at the farmers' market in the nearby city of Colville and we have a small CSA program to supply our fresh produce to folks in our area who don't have a grocery store close to home. We are nowhere near the productive potential of this land or satisfying the local market demand. We can make a living farming here-- living simply!

However, the farming might come to a screeching halt in 2024 because the infrastructure needs of the Eco-Village are so great. Farming might have to take a backseat to building if we can't fill these two openings this winter. That would be really sad since there is so much potential to keep the strong momentum going and reach more local folks with our "Permaculturally Grown" produce.

It's Halloween as this is being written. We are wrapping up the growing season. We got a good amount of the firewood in and stacked. We turned off and drained all the outdoor water lines. We picked the last of the peppers and apples. We were just in time since we are now having below normal low temperatures, several nights in a row down around 15 degrees F. A little like last year, only earlier. And like last year, it looks as if we're going to be planting the garlic through the snow again. But we will have time this winter to communicate with folks about what we're offering. Please contact us if any of this sounds attractive to you. Phone message and text: 914-246-0309 Email: Apply on-line:

Interested? A couple of things: You would need to be debt-free and self-sufficient in terms of shelter. This could be an RV, tiny house, camper, tent, tipi, yurt, etc. If you stick around for winter, you'd have to build or otherwise provide yourself adequate, warm shelter. Various options present themselves. There is firewood available to harvest yourself or buy from the local market. Also, you would need to be financially self-sufficient starting out until you figure out how to obtain an income for yourself, either working with the farming collective, off-farm part-time work, on your own doing odd jobs for residents in the area, or an on-farm craft or cottage industry you dream up on your own.

Please also make sure you thoroughly look over our website. We've tried to include as much information as we can to describe our project:

We are offering permaculturally-grown garden seeds from the BZ Collective Farm in Northeast Washington state that you can purchase online.

Many of our varieties have been saved on this farm for years, getting more acclimated to our short, cool, northern conditions with every generation. Our seeds are permaculturally-grown, as are our fruits and vegetables which we sell at the Northeast Washington Farmers' Market in Colville.

Buy Seeds Online:

Our Website:

Permaculturally-grown means we grow things by hand, here on this off-the-grid farm, in composted soil using no synthetic chemicals. Every season we work to build our soil and increase our biodiversity while creating a living environment with a clean, abundant yield. We strive to heal and nurture the land so that seven generations from now, it's beauty and bounty will still be able to heal and nurture its inhabitants.

Your purchases help establish the Bezaleel Israel Eco-Village Community Land Trust and Collective Farm.

If you live nearby, visit us at the Upper Columbia Seed Swap on Feb. 25 at the Kettle Falls Public Library
615 S. Meyers St., Kettle Falls, WA.
1 year ago

Unique Regenerative Farming/Permaculture Apprenticeship Opportunity
Working, Off-the-grid, 20-acre
Diversified Permaculture Farm in Northeast Washington State.
In Transition to an Agricultural Land Trust/Eco-village,
Permaculture Education Center.
Long-term residency potential.

We are seeking apprentices to apply for the 2022 growing season.

We are looking for mature, responsible, non-violent, communicative, compassionate folks who have experience in regenerative agriculture, have a firm grasp of permaculture principles and practices, experience in collaborative group living and a love of voluntary simplicity and Earth care. Anyone with those qualifications can apply. We highly encourage interested young people to apply. IMPORTANT: The pursuit of cultivating those values to your life and livelihood, imperfect as that might be, and to illustrate by example their benefits to the greater society must form the central core of your being and fuel your underlying motivation.

You must have had experience with simple, rural, outdoor-oriented living and the work ethic that goes along with it and be prepared to provide your own shelter in a place where the climate can range from below freezing in winter to summer temperatures as high as one-hundred degrees for days at a time (RV, travel trailer, mobile tiny house or fully equipped outdoor camp). Various potential income sources exist.

Experience required. Only serious inquiries please.

Link to Application Form
3 years ago

Heartsong Caretaker Position, Eastern Washington State
Opportunity for an Organic Gardener or Permaculture Practitioner

The Heartsong Families are three families from Spokane, Washington who share in stewarding an 8 1/2-acre former retreat center in Tumtum, WA, about 25 miles north of Spokane in Stevens County.

The Caretaker lives on-site and contributes an average of 12 hours of work per week.

The benefits
Living in a beautiful meadow surrounded by high ridges.
Next door is a lovely, 9-acre natural lake for swimming and non-motorized boating.
Miles of hiking trails.
Pure, natural spring water for drinking.

For more details and to apply, PLEASE GO HERE
3 years ago

Global Earth Repair Conference
May 3 – 5, 2019
Port Townsend, WA, USA

The Global Earth Repair Conference is for people who have devoted their lives to Earth repair or who wish to.

Ceremony – Keynotes – Workshops – Round-table discussions – Panels – Planning meetings – Caucuses
Honoring our Earth Repair heroes & heroines

“…what is needed is a real grass-roots, bottom-up, locally-managed restoration mass underground movement of informed people, a groundswell of popular opinion driven by a green ethos, to regreen our planet and recarbonize our soil.”
Quote from Geotherapy. Thomas Goreau, et al.

Restoration efforts in the world are already substantial and there is a lot of experience and knowledge to draw on.  The Global Earth Repair Conference is an exchange of information between earth repair practitioners. The conference addresses both the technical and social aspects of planetary regeneration.  International participation via internet.

We anticipate having practitioners in all of these topics and resultant syntheses.

Conference website:

We invite you to submit an application to present at the conference:

Registration is open and Early Bird rates apply! Register here:

Join the Conference's Facebook group:

Michael Pilarski of Friends of the Trees Society is launching a Go Fund Me campaign to put on the first-ever Global Earth Repair Conference which will bring 500 people together (May 3-5, 2019 in Port Townsend, WA) to envision a thriving planet for our descendants seven generations from now, and strategize the many steps it will take to get there.

Please help us put on this ground-breaking, global event. Give generously. Here's where you go to donate:

We would be very grateful if you would be willing to share this link with your community via your newsletter, Facebook and other social media. The success of this campaign rests on getting the word out and generating excitement!

Help spread the word!

Global Earth Repair Conference
May 3 – 5, 2019
Port Townsend, WA, USA

The Global Earth Repair Conference is for people who have devoted their lives to Earth repair or who wish to.

Ceremony – Keynotes – Workshops – Round-table discussions – Panels – Planning meetings – Caucuses
Honoring our Earth Repair heroes & heroines

“…what is needed is a real grass-roots, bottom-up, locally-managed restoration mass underground movement of informed people, a groundswell of popular opinion driven by a green ethos, to regreen our planet and recarbonize our soil.”
Quote from Geotherapy. Thomas Goreau, et al.

Restoration efforts in the world are already substantial and there is a lot of experience and knowledge to draw on.  The Global Earth Repair Conference is an exchange of information between earth repair practitioners. The conference addresses both the technical and social aspects of planetary regeneration.  International participation via internet.

We anticipate having practitioners in all of these topics and resultant syntheses.

Conference website:

We invite you to submit an application to present at the conference:

Registration is open and Early Bird rates apply! Register here:

Join the Conference's Facebook group:

Michael Pilarski of Friends of the Trees Society is launching a Go Fund Me campaign to put on the first-ever Global Earth Repair Conference which will bring 500 people together (May 3-5, 2019 in Port Townsend, WA) to envision a thriving planet for our descendants seven generations from now, and strategize the many steps it will take to get there.

Please help us put on this ground-breaking, global event. Give generously. Here's where you go to donate:

We would be very grateful if you would be willing to share this link with your community via your newsletter, Facebook and other social media. The success of this campaign rests on getting the word out and generating excitement!

Help spread the word!
6 years ago
Ecology Ignores Call for Sewage Sludge Moratorium

It is unfortunate that the Dept. of Ecology has decided not to honor the call for a statewide moratorium on further sewage sludge land application permits made by Protect Mill Canyon Watershed and hundreds of our supporters around the state. On Oct. 24 , Ecology instead granted a permit to Bio Recycling Corporation, a very troubled sludge application company in Centralia, WA. Some of the groundwater in fields where Bio Recycling has been dumping sludge for years have reached unsafe levels of nitrate contamination. The company has inadequate storage facilities and has been told to bring them into compliance or curtail operations. Neighbors of the sludge facility are very concerned. This article from Mason County Life, published on Nov. 6, describes the issues involved. Here's a quote from a concerned neighbor from the article: "'This was an ill-conceived idea from the very beginning with applying toxic things into the ground,' said Union resident Pat Vandehey at the March hearing. 'They never thought about what happens when it’s reached a saturation point and they’re not going to be able to put it on anymore. Something has to be done at that point, but nobody seems to look ahead to the future.'”

Below the link to the article is a link to a copy of the permit Ecology granted. The permit includes numerous "conditions" that belie a history of poor management practices on the part of Bio Recycling. These "conditions" also expose how high risk the practice of dumping sewage sludge is that it requires such complex rules and conditions, further eroding the validity of Ecology's assertions that dumping sewage sludge on agricultural land is safe. It should be noted that Ecology is, in this permit, mainly concerned with one pollutant contaminant, nitrates, out of the hundreds of pollutant contaminants know to occur in sewage sludge (Ecology only monitors 10 contaminants-- nitrogen and nine heavy metals, which Protect Mill Canyon Watershed asserts is dangerously inadequate oversight). 

With the issuance of this permit, defenders of a clean, safe environment need to redouble our efforts calling for a sludge moratorium and end sewage sludge dumping on ag land once and for all.

"Ecology grants Webb Hill facility final coverage, grace period." Arla Shephard Bull, Mason County Life, published Nov. 6, 2017

"Additional conditions and final coverage issuance to Bio Recycling Corporation (Bio Recycling) Biosolids North Ranch General Permit Coverage." Washington State Department of Ecology Waste 2 Resources Program, Oct. 24, 2017.

Protect Mill Canyon Watershed maintains a page of documents related to sewage sludge and the progress of our campaign. It's at:

Protect Mill Canyon Watershed asks that you consider donating to our legal fund as we ready ourselves to battle the Department of Ecology in court if they continue to threaten us by allowing sewage sludge dumping in our watershed. You may donate here:

7 years ago