I am really into staying healthy through food etc.
Here are the things, that helped me heal from walking pneumonia (given to me by a nurse into natural healing):
Stop eating any wheat or dairy products.
Buy some chaparral (herb) either as a liquid herbal extract or in capsule form.
Take about 2-3 of these 5 times a day, along with some Vit C 1000mg capsules or powdered form.
Linus Pauling said Vitamin C will heal everything, you want to take at least 1 Vitamin C capsule an hour.
I got walking Pneumonia and the nurse told me, to do this exactly and that within 4-5 days, my body would
be dry as a sieve. Just as she had predicted, all the congestion went away.
I am also going to add, one more item: get some organic burdock root.
Take one heaping Tablespoon and put it in 5 cups of water, bring it to a boil and then lower it to a gentle boil for 60 minutes.
Drink 1/2 cup of this a day, it builds the immune system, to fight disease.
You do not want to drink this everyday but when you are sick, it will help.
One more thing, health begins in the gut: take some good strong acidophilus.
Whenever, I feel, I am getting sick, I go straight for the acidophilus, Vit C and burdock tea.
It usually nips it, in the bud.
Regarding taking care of the lungs: in macrobiotic cooking, Lotus Root, heals and maintains the lungs. So, you might want to look into getting some organic lotus root: dry or fresh and add it to a soup etc.
I am going to share a story, so you know, where I am coming from:
My mom, got lung cancer; she smoked 2 packs of cigarette's a day, since she was a young woman.
At 76 years of age, we found out, she had lung cancer; after she went to get her yearly flu shot (if you are a senior and you think you may have cancer, do not get a flu shot, it brings the cancer on. Found this out from her chemo doctor).
I am into staying healthy naturally and started to research, what caused my Mom's cancer and how to cure it.
I found so many products that contribute to cancer: plastic bottles, pesticides, EMF's, man made chemicals etc.
I called the Kushi Institute (macrobiotic nutrition) and asked if they had any research of healing the kind of lung cancer, my Mom had and they did. At one time, the Kushi Institute was working with the government, they were getting funding, to see how affective a whole food macrobiotic diet was in healing and preventing cancer (they are no longer working the government) and they sent me information on a Nurse, who had the same exact cancer as my Mom. Her cancer, was worse, it had gone into her liver and was on her death bed, when her family, had a macrobiotic counselor come and give her a consultation: they do a pulse reading, face reading etc and ask some questions. The Macrobiotic counselor tweaked the macrobiotic diet for her body's needs at that time. Her family cooked the meals for her and she ate, what she could. To make a long story short, 7 years after being told she had cancer, she was still alive and was cured. She didn't have any cancer in her body!!!
I brought this information to my Mom and she told me, she wasn't interested.
She believed in traditional medicine and didn't give me any other explanation.
I was her care giver and I needed to keep my energy up, so I decided to make a pot of bean soup and just put all the healing macrobiotic foods in it. So, I could just eat it etc. Then I had a thought, just bring my Mom a bowl of this soup to her for dinner.
When I walked into her place, she grabbed the soup out of my hands, and ate it over the sink, like an animal and afterwards said: that was exactly what I needed. In the morning, I check on my Mom, to see how she was doing and she had a big smile on her face. She said, I had the best night sleep in a long time. No night sweats, no pain and a nice deep sleep. My Mom, at this stage of the cancer, was in pain, was sweating like a pig and couldn't get a good night sleep, kept waking up etc.
She had such a positive result, I brought her for supper a soup, with the healing macrobiotic foods in it and each morning, she had the same positive results: no night sweats, no pain and a good night sleep. On the 4th morning, I told my Mom, the soups, she was eating had macrobiotic foods in it and she was having good results and would she like to look into, going on a macrobiotic diet? She said: Stop cooking for me. It was one of the hardest lessons to learn, everyone has the right, to choose how they want to leave this earth. My Mom passed away in 9 months, of finding out she had lung cancer.
Then to make my story short, i found out, I had a basal cell carcinoma on the left cheek of my face. I found, a macrobiotic counselor who had healed herself of a very intense cancer about 20-25 years ago. She gave me a consultation and a diet tweaked to my body's needs at that time. I went on the diet and after 4 months, I asked her to tweak it for me, so I could live with it. She had me cooking and doing so many things, I only had 3 hours in a day, to run my business. She refused and I thought, my Mom, had such positive results, just getting those healing foods into her body, I would just go ahead and tweak my diet, so I could live with it. It took another 17 months but I healed that basal cell naturally, with out having to have moll surgery, which would have disfigured my face.
Then the economy changed, my business dried up, moved and needed to find work. I posted an ad on craiglist: that I was a vegan cook with macrobiotic tendencies. Within 24 hours, I was contacted for an interview. We meet outside Wholefoods market and they hired me on the spot. They had seen "Fork over knives" movie and wanted to change their diet and had heard, macrobiotic's had healed people's cancer and wanted to give it a try. His wife, was told she had some form of cancer but they didn't know, what kind etc.
She was throwing up, had night sweats, had some pain and was really exhausted. As we walked through Wholefoods and I was getting all the foods, they were going to need, her body, couldn't keep up with just shopping etc.
I started cooking for them, that day: making them a miso soup, rice and veggies.
She and her husband, ate the food I cooked for them, everyday.
Within 3 days, her nausea went away.
By the 6th day, her night sweats went away.
By the 3rd week, she had energy and wanted to go out shopping, eating and going out to the movies, with her friends.
We found out she had a weird form of melanoma and it was through out her internal organs.
(about 17 years prior, she got a basal cell on her tummy, which they removed, then she got a melanoma on her tummy and they removed it but back then, their protocol was, not to have a doctor, looking at the tissue they removed until, they no longer saw any cancer cells, so they had left cancer cells on her and slowly, the melanoma spread internally, so much so, they could not operate to remove it all).
Now, she was doing just fine by the 3rd week but the Doctors put the fear of God in her and told her, she had 9 months to live but if she went into this study, in Texas and if it was successful, she would get another 10 years.
She decided to go, into the study and she also told me, the macrobiotic diet was too restrictive, she wanted to eat some flesh food and some sweets.
I didn't tell her, death was the most restrictive thing but gave her this advice: If you want to heat flesh food: keep it below 20% of your diet. Dr T. Colin Campbell, found out about the China study and did research and found, if you eat meat above 20% of your diet, it turns on the cancer gene and if you lower flesh food, below 20%, you turn off the cancer gene.
There is a new movement, where doctors are learning about nutrition and are recommending to stay healthy, to eat a vegan plant based diet.
You can learn about it at:
There is another wonderful doctor on the cutting edge of nutrition: Dr. Greger at nutritonfacts.org or just Utube him.
All he does, is read current published medical research and then consolidates it into a short utube video or does an hour video for the year on current research. This is all he does, read, post and some lecturing. This is a great service for humanity. Usually this knowledge takes 30 years to get out to the permies. My Mom, used to read medical journals etc. because she wanted to be a doctor but back then, they wouldn't let her go into medical school at 27 years of age.
Just to let you know, when I was on a strict macrobiotic diet for 4 months, I looked and felt great!!! My friends, said my hair was darker and asked it I had dyed my hair. All my wrinkles went away and my skin, tightened, I lost that last 20 pounds and I had a lot of energy. I now eat a vegan plant based diet with macrobiotic influences.
I still have the healing recipes and eat them, when I feel, I need too but basically, I make up a pot of rice or millet and some beans with the healing foods in it and just grab a grain and bean and then steam up some veggies etc. I make sure to eat daily: 3 year old Barley Miso from South River Miso (this kills cancer in the body). Here is an article about it:
You want to eat the 3 year old miso: it is medicinal after 3 years and Barley, helps reduce tumors.
You also want to eat fermented foods: like homemade Sauerkraut, pickles etc.
There are other healing foods, just pick up a macrobiotic cookbook and you will find out about healing foods.
Specifically: The Cancer Prevention Diet by Michio Kushi and Alex Jack
If you just add some of these healing foods: Miso, Shiitake Mushrooms etc to a vegan plant based diet and eat according to Dr. Greger's and PCRM, you will stay healthy and prevent or reverse disease.
Wishing you the best,