Randy Petersen

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since Sep 09, 2015
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Recent posts by Randy Petersen

Long time reader of the forums, but I think it's time I get more involved.

I was looking for a good resource on geothermal, and wondered if anyone had any suggestions. Many books/sites/videos all say check with your local contractor and I am looking at doing things myself. I am ready to learn, but need some resources.

For example: My small property on a hill. Would it be best to put the geothermal trench at the bottom of the hill or the top? I would imagine the bottom of the hill, but since my home is on the top of the hill, I have to consider load on the pumps and other variables.

Thanks for any input!

8 years ago
Been a long time reader of the forum!
With my goal to make a greenhouse, I figured I would register and get some help.
Thanks for having this forum, it's a great resource!

9 years ago