Benton Lewis

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since Sep 14, 2015
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Recent posts by Benton Lewis

I started out trying to grow some of the the most common, tastiest vegetables in my area. Tomatoes and watermelon. I love eating them but after several seasons of trying, I still haven't gotten a good watermelon for one reason or another and tomatoes take up too much space for their subpar output in my gardens so far.

However, the zucchini squash I plant never fails and makes me feel like a gardening goat! Papalo does wonderful but cilantro bolts. Mint, if in the right spot, can thrive.
5 years ago

Timothy Markus wrote:I love quail, but they're total idiots.  I found it hard to feed them anything that wasn't standard feed.  Their little beaks don't do a good job on many greens or meats, so you'll likely have to feed them pretty small BFSL, but I think you should definitely try.  Fermenting the feed worked very well for me.

Total newbie to quail and I noticed the breaks were not even big enough to eat a large ant but they are only two weeks old. I hoped they would grow out of it.
5 years ago
Yes I have. I'm just getting started with quail. I love the idea of bsf. Might try to get a system to refeed the quail their feed by feeding them larvae that just ate their waste. I also am very interesting in learning to attract wild insects to the quail. A nightlight, which they will need anyway, can help attract bugs. I would like to know of more ways to attract bugs for them too.
5 years ago
I have some 24 percent protein feed mix for baby birds. I would like to get to at least 25% protein. I might need to add a little  calcium too. What should I do. It's for quail and I don't see a quail section on here.
5 years ago
Looks like they are sharing it!
5 years ago
Thanks!  “extrafloral nectaries” is a good way to put it
5 years ago
Not talking about the flowers. Don't see aphids but ants and wasps seem to love the ends of cow pea plants, including yard long beans. Read in Africa there is symbiotic relationship but most places say it's just aphids releasing sap for the ants.
5 years ago
I think that's it Tyler! Aka the mole cricket hunter and we have those too.
5 years ago
Looks very similar but the eyes just don't match up.
5 years ago