So, I've recently been taken aback by the style, technology and principles of Earthships as well as other low impact houses
Looking ahead of potential obstacles, the one key issue across the "developed" world when building not just earthships but other Sustainable eco buildings is the difficulty in Planning Permission,
There is currently a map of the USA showing "Pockets of Freedom" pointing out where it is possible to gain Permission,
Does anyone know of a global map?
It's clear that due to the history, population and bureaucracy, European Planning rules are old and tough,
There are a three earthships in the UK but non of them are actually homes!
Does anyone know where the laws are more relaxed towards Planning Permission?
I noticed that the Earthship inspired home built in Brittany, France seemed to get fairly easy permission to build, I think on the Channel 4 episode of Grand Designs that the house featured on, the folk that built it said basically you can build what you want, providing you take all the flak for potential problems, I guess what they mean by that is if the house falls down and kills someone, you are liable for manslaughter?!
Surely areas where there are already established residential earthships would be more relaxed to the idea of a second one?
I'm really intrigued about Planning Permission for all Sustainable housing as well as Earthships.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.....