Thank you Erica, that was a fantastic and well thought out response. A couple things in regard to my design, fuel, and intentions.
I recently bought 40 acres of ranch property in AZ. I will be getting a well drilled in the near future and I am moving there to start a homestead in about 2.5 years. The temperatures are not insane like a lot of AZ, average summer days are mid 80's, sometimes peaking closer to 100. I collected soil samples that I dissolved in a glass jar and it looks like I'm at about 95% sand with some silt and organic matter as well. So I started looking into ways to improve soil nutrients, bring in more organic matter, retain more water, all that kind of stuff. Well a week ago I learned about biochar and have done a lot of reading and watching videos. I have to say that the responsible creation of it, as well as the explanation of how it works makes sense. I'm completely sold on the idea to be honest. I believe it could do wonders for my sandy soils when mixed with compost. I think worst case I would end up retaining more water for my plants and orchard.
So I have 2.5 years to get my soil in shape before I move there and start planting. My plan is actually to make the bone char class of biochar due to the high phosphorous levels. I have spoke with a local wild game processor and worked out a deal to take as much deer and elk bone as I would like.
As for my rocket stove design, it looks like my guesstimate was off on the tube width, my internal diameter is 7.5 inches which should work fine for the 36 inch height. I may run into some issues with warping but now that I already have it I will give it a try. The design should burn every bit as clean as any rocket stove though. I will start a small fire in the J tube section, once it gets enough heat to the heat riser I should start to burn efficiently and clean. Then once I start getting gas from the bone, the small holes in the bottom of the burn chamber will feed the fire and keep it burning with minimal additional wood being fed.
Again, this is all making sense in my head, but in reality who knows. I'm guessing there will be some experimentation in both making and using biochar. One thing I will stick to though is being responsible with it. I will only burn clean, I will utilize as much of the heat as possible in as many ways as possible, and if I don't see positive results using biochar, I will stop using it.
I have started making a video of the creation of the retort, when it's all said and done I will put it on YouTube and show the design and how well it works. Then down the road, I'll also show the results of using the bone char.
Thanks again for your feedback.