Elsie Smith

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since Oct 05, 2015
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Hi Terry belatedly thanks for this information. Best wishes
Thankyou Jay..
I am confident in the design
Will test the dowels and wedges as you say 😊😊
Thankyou both
Interesting re shear loads. It did cross my mind a lot thinking how could it be stable. In our case the horizontal beam is between A-frame and post so this helps. We couldn't have catastrophic collapse.. as we have so much timber and bracing in a tiny building. What are your thoughts on wedge length/whether pic A or B is better?
How big should a wedge be to secure a 1 inch dowel in place on each side of the two poles being secured? Eg tapered 5mm to nothing, length 60mm? I guess needs to avoid splitting the dowel inside so not too long?