Patricia Mitchell

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since Oct 08, 2015
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Recent posts by Patricia Mitchell

We have a 3 tank aerobic septic system aka On-Site Septic Facilities (OSSF); it requires putting the chlorine tablets into a trap at the last (spray) tank. The system has two pumps; an aerator for the 2nd tank and the sprayer for the last tank. This type of system is required anywhere in Texas when limestone is close to the ground’s surface. In Hays County, we are required to have a maintenance contract, for quarterly inspections by septic inspector (to the tune of $300/year). The alternative is to get the license to maintain your own OSSF. I have asked around for passive alternatives and have been told either impossible or prohibitively expensive. The search continues.
3 years ago
I am not doing above ground hugels because I don't have enough top soil. We had added 7 cubic yards of compost to the garden last year(when we were still toiling the old fashioned way) so we tilled that about a month ago, moved the soil and then tilled again in trenches until we hit limestone. After clearing the soil out of those trenches, we laid down cardboard, then the logs, then smaller logs and sticks. We then back filled with the second layer of rocky soil, then 1" coffee grounds and sulfur pellets, then the remaining top soil. The trenches are very close so that it is almost like one 500 sq ft hugel. 12 trenches in all when done. I finished #9 on Tuesday. The logs are laid perpendicular to the slope of the garden although not necessarily on contour. I am only doing the west side of the garden this season as it is back breaking work and thus slow going. I did do one hugel on the top end of the east side for strawberries that I had to transplant from the west side as the bed was not on a hugel and was invaded by twisted yucca from residual root pieces. What do you think? Thanks for answering!
9 years ago

I am new to and a complete forum idiot (below novice), having never posted anything anywhere, ever! I have read your posts about basic permaculture. I know this is off topic but I wanted to say that I am Dripping Springs, fell into permaculture earlier this year and I want to hugel and swale our entire six acres!!! For now though, we are hugeling our 1000 sq ft garden. All the garden hugels are made with deadfall live oak and/or ashe juniper. I have gotten offers from my neighbors to collect their deadfall. I felt bad for taking it, but I explained and they are not interested so...I took it....mwahahaha.
I wanted to let you know that we are trying to change the World, 1000 sq ft at a time. If I can convince just one other person to see the potential through my eyes (spouses notwithstanding and mine is sold) then I will consider this adventure a double success!
Go permies!
9 years ago