Johnny Bar

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since Oct 23, 2015
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Recent posts by Johnny Bar

So i have bren planning on building an earthship for some time. But now that I have seen my property in person i noticed that my soil is mainly just sand. Is it possible to fill the tires with sand? If not what type of natural building would you recommend?
9 years ago
What brand and type of electric engine would you use for an electric motorcycle, car or tractor and why?
9 years ago
So I currently live in the Pacific Northwest. I have lived here most of my life so I know this climate pretty well. But I am moving to Guyana. I have never lived in a tropical rain forest before and was wondering what sort of plants and trees grow best to support a great ecosystem? What sort of plants do I want to grow to chop and drop to raise quality of soil? What can I do for flooding in the rain season?

Also any books or Internet links would be greatly appreciated.