Teresa Wouk

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since Nov 01, 2015
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Recent posts by Teresa Wouk

Hi Allen, sorry to bug you again, I have another question for you. I am burning the stove today and have been for awhile now to make sure everything is working well and I notice that it is smoking a lot through the chimney outside, my understanding is that it should be putting out steam not smoke. Your thoughts on this please.
9 years ago
Found a large crack above the stove that lead to outside, plugged it up and the stove works great, Praise YAH! It has been burning for almost an hour now and works great. Thanks for all of your help
9 years ago
It is 1/4" limestone. We have been working on putting windows in so have not gotten back to the stove yet. He has been doing all of that to no avail! We are going to seal off the one wall today and see if that makes a difference. Again thank you for all of your help.
9 years ago
Hi Allen sorry it took so long to get back to you. It has a 6" hole in the bottom of the barrel and the other is White Chat, sorry about that. He has not watched the video yet, just looked at the forum. That may be the problem, the part of the house that we put the heater in is not finished, we use the room all the time but I know there is a hole in the ceiling and part of a wall that is not sealed off. Ok will look at the video and seal that wall off and see what happens. Thank you for all of your help I will let you know the outcome.
9 years ago
as far as the heating up, it never burns long enough to heat up.
9 years ago
ok it is all done in firebrick, and 6" exhaust. It is 6 1/2"x6 1/2"x16" is the feed tube. Tunnel is 6 1/2x4" high and 25" long, riser is 6 1/2x6 1/2x50" high, the barrel has a " hole in the bottom of the drum with 6" exhaust pipe. Used white shat and retaining wall block for the mass. out of the drum goes 7' elbows back goes another 9' goes up 16' 45's for 7' and then 45's out of roof and 3' out of the roof. I hope I did not miss anything:)
9 years ago
We have recently installed a Rocket mass heater and are having a backdraft after it burns for a few minutes that comes back and blows out the fire. My husband has checked everything and all seems to be correct.
He asked someone that works with installation on fireplaces and pellet stoves etc. and they told him that he did not have to have the exhaust go out as the tallest room in the house as long as it was 10 feet away from that point. Also the exhaust has 2 elbows in it making it exit on the second story at a 45 degree angle. Could this be causing the problem? It is a beautiful stove the way he has done it and I do not want to see him tear it out, but he is about to that point. Please help! I love the idea of this stove and would love to see it work. Thank you for any help you can give.
9 years ago