Kim Feehery

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since Nov 06, 2015
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Recent posts by Kim Feehery

I know the deer LOVE it in the winter.
7 years ago
I didn't want the SHD method but am opting for naturalizing the olives. The primary 3 are Itrana (Italian), Salonenque (French and I found fussy) and Chemlali (Tunisian). The ones which were 2 gallon has the best summer growth. Next time I will opt for the 2 gallon to get off and running easier. Good luck! We're having a blast with this new venture and all I'm learning!
9 years ago
I ran into this thread and am wondering how your olive orchard is shaping up. What varieties of olives did you choose? I just planted 190 olives north of Houston and have since begun learning about incorporating permaculture concepts into my design. Facinating stuff!
9 years ago