I've not really tried, yet, to grow all our food, but I've been steadily over many years been approaching being able to provide complete family nutrition if we should need or choose it.
We have been on inner-city lots offering only 4500sf of growspace, first continental high desert then coastal sub-tropics, with poor soil, poor & expensive water, insufficient rain + increasing drought/ intermittent inundation, unreliable & volatile growing season/ deep cold winter at first homestead & heavy pest pressure/ bone dry long summer at the other. The rainy seasons are opposite, & the palette of plants quite different.
My strategy has been earthworks & rainwater catchment, soil building, perennials first, edible natives/ Subsistence Hedge, adapted fruit/ nut/ berry with annuals under/ among/ between Edible Plantscape, collecting old rare & breeding new specific, some nursery & starts propagation/ cooperative/ CSA operations.
The first homestead has been in others' care for a decade-long fallow while we developed the second, which we've just returned to find fallow/ prematurely auto-irrigated/ over-grown after the apprentice disappeared during our sabbatical/ worldschooling/ pilgrimage year, when we were exploring our third startup in yet another climate plus possibilities overseas.
We're happy to be back to our beds & our foods, especially as in our absence we've reached self-sufficiency in biomass, returned to mostly full raintanks (whole year whole site+), once re-wetted have volunteer crops coming up, & are ready to go rainwater only! The dream is seasonal nomadism, though since leaving first homestead we've not yet found nor been able to foster mutually-supportive community of like-minded folks!