I like this idea, to use unusual parts of common food and crop plants, as Alder Burns mentions.
At the 5 acre vegetable garden (of a restaurant) where I work, we use in this context, lettuce stems, radish stems (prepare them like asparagus!) and pea shoots.
And these are the flowers we use on a daily basis, when available:
Vegetable flowers
Male zucchini flower, Radish flower (white and purple), Leek flower, Broad bean flower, Hyacinth bean (white and purple), Fennel flower, Jerusalem artichoke flower, Brassica flower, Miner’s lettuce flower
Non-vegetable flowers
Nasturtium, Citrus tagetes (yellow, orange and red), Borage (white and blue), Pot marigold (yellow and orange), Cornflower, Sunflower, Daylily
Herb flowers
Salvia (about 5 species), Asian chives, Tulbaghia, Monarda (red, pink and white), Phyla dulcis, Agastache