Lawrance Mabiletsa

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since Nov 21, 2015
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hallo to everyone!
I just thought i should share what i am busy constructing - also for record purposes. This is after reading up a lot on rocket stoves and masonry heaters... still reading...

Its a rocket stove with brick flues... i draws quite nicely. It is layed dry in this picture and as a result it was smoking back occasionally. i used very dense firebricks so it took a while before the cook plates get hot enough to start frying. I measured the temp on my kitchen gas stove at which frying starts and it was 260 degrees C, this stove managed to get to the same temperatures once the firebricks were warm enough.
I have started making modifications to the "riser" like in a RMH.
1. Highly Insulated riser
2. Less dense riser - so the heat can get to the pot quicker

even while outside the stove kept warm for about 11 hours. without a flue damper

I plan to
1. Add an oven and a firebox.
2. Correct the gap below the cook plate
3. Modify the cook plate for specific pot sizes - but be interchangeable normal cook plates

I cooked a whole stew

9 years ago