Strouse Campbell

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since Nov 28, 2015
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Recent posts by Strouse Campbell

Hello Permies,

I developed a wireless rotational grazing tractor for goats using a PetSafe Stay & Play radio transmitter. I’ve been using it for over a year and it’s amazing. No fencing. No pre-clearing paths for electro-net. It changes the game in terms of using goats to clear.

I have adapted this system to a road-worthy trailer and will be renting my goats this year in southern oregon.  

Check it out!

3 years ago
Joseph and Christine,

Thank you both for your helpful responses. I have a layout that will work well. In considering the question of whether or not a single strand will be effective enough, I have realized that it would be quite easy to add another strand. Hence, my new and hopefully final question:

If I were to run a 2nd hot wire next to the first, either directly above/below or staggered for the 3D effect, should I:
A) run the 2 hot wires in a giant connected loop and use one long piece of wire?
B) run the 2 wires connected at one end and apart at the other end? (a halfway connected loop)
C) run 2 separate unconnected wires and hook them up to the energizer at 2 connection points?

That is to say, will the connection be better if the hot wire is one continuous, uncut piece? Thank you!
9 years ago

I am fencing deer out of 1-acre homestead using a single baited hot wire about 4 feet up. The hot wire is not in a loop, rather it is enclosing 3 sides of the property. I have 2 grounding rods 6ft. The system is a 25-mile system. There are about 150 total yards of wire, but the ends are only about 75 yards away from each other. I'm in NC red clay, very moist.

1) How central to the fence perimeter do the ground rods need to be, or can they be at one end, relatively far from the other end? Will the deer receive a shock even if they are 100 yards from grounding rods?

2) How far from a 500-gallon natural bee-watering pond should the grounding rods be? Would shock affect fish?

3) Must I hook the energizer up to one end of the hot wire or the other, or could I connect the energizer and grounds somewhere in the middle of the 150-yard hot wire.

4) Baiting tips welcomed.
9 years ago