I've done a little experiment with one of them dalek type bins my first attempt at composting. I turned it after 3 days and to my suprise it was steaming like mad I cant tell you the temp because I forgot to take my thermometer. I could feel the heat from 3 feet away I was jumping for joy, it was a good job the allotments was empty I must have looked a right idiot.
Day five (today), I've been and turned it again but I took the thermometer this time and I can't believe it.
It reads 62c. One thing I notice was it had lots of white fungi on it, is this because it's lacking oxygen and needs turning more?
The mix was 1 part Guinea pig bedding/manure( hay straw) and two parts coffee grounds. It's turn brown already, at this rate I should imagine it's only gunna take a month to make.