Sunday is the big day!
I'm excited and sad at the same time. It's funny how many people laughed when I told them my plan to raise pigs. I was told they would stink, be dangerous, escape, etc. None of those things came true.
They never even tried to escape, they don't stink, they are super friendly, Their size make them dangerous, not their demeanor.
We sold the extra pig for $2.00 a pound live weight. She's 250lbs, according to the string measuring. That covers the cost of a new upright freezer. I can't believe our old freezer just died last week. UGH! well better it did when it did, and not after we filled it with pork.
I was hoping to recoup some of my up front costs but it is what it is.
It's funny how my Hubby, who wanted nothing to do with the pigs, has turned Sunday's event into a guy BBQ. He changed the plans of not being here, to a man party. lol
Aside from his coworker who is doing the deed, another of his coworkers, and the coworkers wives are coming. Not to mention neighbors. One of the people coming is originally from the Philippines, and claims they know how to use every last bit of the pig. Another is originally from Italy, and says the organs are better than the meat. I'm SO very happy that nothing is going to waste.

I will of course be hiding under my bed. lol
I've already decided to do this again next year. Why not? everything is already set up and paid for. I will be getting a cheaper breed though, and make better use of my gardens for free feed. My daughter, the one that called me nuts, is interested in going in on a pig with her friends when I do it again. She is also purchasing $50.00 worth of pork this time.
Just more nervous rambling,