Beau M. Davidson

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since Dec 20, 2015
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Beau Micah Davidson is a permaculturist and natural builder, lo-tech mycologist, herb farmer, acoustical and audio engineer, homesteader, tradesman, artist, husband, and dad. Prior to homesteading and permaculture, his experience included a successful career in the Nashville music industry, a painters and fine finishers apprenticeship in Melbourne, Australia, and an analog recording studio in the urban core of Kansas City.  This is where he met his wife, Kristen, and together, they fell in love with soil & microbes, started a family, and moved to Beau's 6-generation farm in South Central Kansas, where they now specialize in growing and wildcrafting culinary and medicinal herbs, mushrooms, and woodland goods.  Beau and Kristen serve on the Leadership Team for Estuaries, a ministry seeking to incite a cultural ecology that fosters spiritually holistic, emotionally healthy, and intellectually rich believers who are capable of engaging meaningfully with culture.  He holds a B.S. in Recording Industry Management: Production & Technology, with minors in Mass Communications and Film.
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