it all sounds legit to me. it is basically what i have done one the top boundary of my plot at Wheaton labs last May and for me it has worked. I piled one to three feet of logs and tree tops left over from my cabin building the whole way. Evan was nice enough to come over and run the excavator. he took scoops from the far side of the hugel and pulled them on top of the brush . along the way we decided to add some randomness for micro climate. its very deep sub soil so we got them very high in spots. one thing i wish i did is to put a small terrace midway on the tall ones before planting. they are to steep to easily harvest or to tall in spots. other than that i am very happy with the shape and height of them. some are 12 feet or more above the bottom of the trench i believe. when Evan finished i started throwing down cover crop seeds every time it down poured during the storms. all sorts got added. then i got some "survival garden" packs off ebay and added them as well to see what veggies grow. around June its got to damn hot and i started to mulch them with what ever i had around ( mostly pine branches) . this gave enough shade to give my plants a chance.mustard and diakon took over . some other flowers and veggies to . it was really fall i got a decent amount of squashes and sunflowers. then the next round of planting started. i got free fruit from Missoula lawns and planted the seeds in my berms . apricots, plums wild and cultivated, apples, cherries , nanking cherries, maple, alder, mountain ash, choke cherry, hawthorn, pear and black locust are the trees i can remember. the herbage i planted was "weed mix" i collected over the spring and summer months yarrow, clover, alfalfa ect.
i have yet to see what trees are there this spring i wont be home till around may 17th. one year to the day from the first earthworks. i am a little worried that the settling of my berms will be bad for some of my trees down the road but that's part of the reason i planted free seeds. i figure if i keep planting my berms as much as possible with a mostly free seeds i cant loose.
i hope this helps. best of luck ! be sure to let us all know how good it turns out!