Michael Hollihn

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since Jan 09, 2021
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Vernon, Canada
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Recent posts by Michael Hollihn

We need help building and planting swales, building and finishing cabins, etc.
The silent revolution is upon us and it's much better doing it with people you are attracted to.
I am a single man, timber framer, sawyer and forester.
My interests are food and shelter security while maintaining the health of the top soil and water.
I do also enjoy starry nights, campfires, the odd beer or glass of wine, good food and swimming.
I'm dying to build a sauna but meditation keeps me alive for now.
11 months ago
Hello great people.

Is it ok to ask if anyone here has experience with heating water with water pipes behind glass (home made or commercial) and/or copper pipes around stove pipe?

I would like to put these two systems, in front of our propane powered hot water tank to save some money.

System One: heating water in poly or copper pipes behind glass (home made or commercial)

System Two: heating water in copper pipes or SS around stove pipe or within burn chamber

I looked for a suitable forum and if this has a thread but could not find?
Please re-direct me if i have missed something.

Thank you!
3 years ago
Hello Nick
I would read 'Keeping Bees with a Smile' by Fedor Lazutin before doing what you are thinking. The horizontal hives most certainly work in Russia's zone 4 and out here in BC i have talked with bee keepers in zone 4 who are having excellent results. The ones you have heard from were doing something wrong is my guess. In the Lazutin and Layen's horizontal hives there is good size/heat ratio with the dividing boards they use to keep the heat in whichever side the cluster sets in for the winter. The horizontal frames also disturb the cluster the least and this also benefits the immunity/stress levels of the queen and her cohort. Good luck.
4 years ago
Mike, do you use 18" deep frames like Fedor Lazutin did?
4 years ago
whoa, that's a good one...thanks for noticing (said with the sound of eeore from you know who, winnie the pooh!
4 years ago
Hello Mike,
Thanks for the time.
Yeah, i remember the one word on bears. Basically referring to what the bears do to a wild hive in a tree; clean it out so another swarm can move in at a later date.
Odd that there is no mention of bees in the apiary though and all the photos show no sign of protection.
The best i've seen is a youtube video of a guy who built a post and beam shed around his hives and wired it with electric wire fencing on all 4 sides.
I might of seen this via here actually with one of Paul's awesome video tours; can't recall.
Thank you for the pdf, i will review!
I am new to beekeeping and will start (an possibly finish) with horizontal hives.
It looks like there are no ambassadors of this type of respectful beekeeping in the area.
We are year 4 into our food forest (second we've done in this lifetime) and the acre of diversity we've planted is going to leap this year.
Happy days to all!
4 years ago
Hello Great Permaculture Friends,
I just finished 'Keeping Bees with a Smile'
So excited
I live in BC Canada and am now deciding to build either an insulated Layen's hive or an insulated Laxzutin hive?
Any thoughts?
Also, i find it very interesting there was zero mention in the book about bears as possible predators/pests for the hives in any of the Russian apiaries?
I am sure they still have bears, what's the deal?
Thank you and happy new year to all.
4 years ago