barbara longue

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since Feb 24, 2018
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Recent posts by barbara longue

I used to add the whole avocados seed to my smoothie with a high speed blender.  I've gotten it off the habit of doing that, but this has inspired me to continue.

I also set the seeds in a pot and let sprout slowly, you can use that base to great on proper avocado yes that may flower and at see in your area.  At the moment, the pains keep digging then up and chewing off bits, but i have hope still
1 year ago
So glad you created this kickstarter!  I'm in for $50.

What a wild and wacky wofati greenhouse grey water recycling system!

I can't wait to see how it all turns out!
4 years ago
As an American living on 22 acres in the middle of the forest in Australia with a few small ponds, the ticks love wet areas and dampness.

I freak out everytime I get a tick on me, so long pants and gaiters, long sleeves and then I spray or sprinkle tea tree around my legs and arms.  

We also have 5 guinea fowl that roam free and they are kept plenty busy all year long.

I haven't had a tick bite in years so I couldn't tell you which of those specifically is working, but protection + tea tree + guineau fowl has worked for me.

Also, regarding the thread around controlled burns, we live in the middle of the forest and have chosen not to burn on our property but the whole concept of controlled burns is used actively by the Tasmanian Fire Service and after the horrific fires in Australia this past year, many people were blaming the fact that more controlled burns weren't used.  Apparently the aboriginals often did small and large scale burning to clear out brush and prevent larger fires.

Who knows.  

I certainly wouldn't try a controlled burn without the fire trucks at the ready and major source of water nearby.

4 years ago