Godfrey Wilson

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since Aug 11, 2016
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Thanks. I should have read what I wrote...wasn't clear. I have heard of systems where gray water supplied toilets but I may be mistaken.

The concept I am pursuing is dual supply and dual output. Supply would be well water for sanitary/human consumption and rain water for toilets and non-sanitary uses via a cistern (I thought gray water might possibly be used to supply toilets but if it can't be sequestered, then no).  

The output of the system would be sewage to a septic system and gray water emptying into a duck pond with fish and aquatic plants to clean. Duck pond supplies garden with irrigation. Anyway, yes, gray water to the garden via duck pond.

The question should have been how to set up the plumbing to pass code but be easily converted to a set up that segregates the gray water out from the sewage and allows the supply to come from two sources as well.

Sorry wasn't well written (distracted by work)
7 years ago
Has anyone built a house where code does not allow gray water but built in such a way that after inspection, it is possible to revert to a dual system with fresh water (well or city) and gray water (rain water)? I envision a system that takes gray water and rain water for use in toilets or on gardens and such. Fresh water would be for human consumption. We will be required to have a septic system at the outset so that would be the destination for the sewage but all else would go into the gray water cistern or duck pond.

Any experience or advice on this type of set up would be welcome.

7 years ago
I am planning to do this on a larger scale and with more runs--basically a fan of runs emanating from the coop.  I expect to have many more birds and to have several bins with worms that I will rotate out. I plan to have a rotation where the kitchen scraps will be incorporated while not under the coop.  I expect to have probably 4 with 2 under the coop at any given time. Anyway, good luck with this.
7 years ago
One thing we were able to do on the purchase we made was to trade some of the timber on the land for a lower price. The seller harvested about 30 acres of trees which we needed for our pastures and food forest while lowering the price to us.  This was a win-win. We still have 90 acres of trees so we can manage the use of the rest of the land while beginning immediately to use the cleared portion.
8 years ago