Daniel Hall

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since Jul 02, 2016
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Spokane, United States
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Rad power bikes are a great deal. You can get compact foldable bikes. They have front suspension and the batteries are removable for charging.
3 years ago
Comfrey is always devoured by deer on my property. It is hard to believe that it could be so desireable to wild animals yet poisonous to others as animals have insticts about what is edible. Both comfrey and yarrow are great bioactivators for compost but they must be dried first as comfrey easily roots from the stem and is nearly impossible to eradicate once established as it has a large deep tap root. Yarrow runs underground like wildfire so make sure they can't invade other areas. I plant them in the mulch beneath my fruit trees and chop or pull and toss on top to dry. This is my preference and I don't expect everyone to want to use the same method with these persistent plants.
8 years ago
Cautiously consider passionfruit like the tropical lilikoi or maypop that is native to north America. Chinese magnilia vine is another great option. I do strongly suggest that they be isolated if you plant them where they will be perenial by either using a large pot and dripper or having an unirrigated grass or dry pathway bordering them. Using a tropical non perennial and bringing a couple specimen inside for the winter is probably the safest bet to be safest from them becoming invasive. Chinese magnilia vine is very invasive and hardy so use extreme caution when planning it's location. These plants are very desireable and well worth the efforts to try growing them. Passionfruit is extremely flavorful and sour if you enjoy such flavors. I am currently growing them as a hanging basket in my window. Chinese magnilia is called five flavor because it is sweet, tart, salty, bitter, and delicious. It is extremely nutritious and one of the esential Chinese medical herbs.
8 years ago