Eddie Tews

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since Nov 04, 2023
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Recent posts by Eddie Tews

Jeff Bosch wrote:That would be your own responsibility to purchase.

Okay.  Thanks, Jeff.

paul wheaton wrote:raw vegan:  we supply food staples.  It has some raw vegan stuff.  But if you have special dietary needs, you would need to bring your own food.

Thanks, Paul.  What about the second part of the question?  In the summer months, would you be willing to procure a few thousand calories per day of fresh fruit for those willing to work extra hours?  Even if it were, say, twenty-five hours a week over and above, I think I'd be game to give it a go.

Not trying to be pushy.  I just want to see if there's a way to make it work.

I think if it is an authentic request, then it will have weight.  It is really up to the high commander.

(by "authentic request" I mean a person that will accept "no" or "not this time" with grace.  As opposed to a request being a veneer over a demand.)

That sounds totally fair to me!

Are there some months of the year when it would be possible for a raw vegan to join the bootcamp?  In practice, that would be about 2,000 calories from locally grown fresh, ripe, whole fruit -- the juicier and sweeter the better -- along with a generous daily portion of mild tender greens (lettuce and celery, basically) and/or vegetable-fruits.  If it would be possible, but not exactly budget-friendly, I'd be willing to put in extra hours to balance the scales.

And a second, unrelated, question: For those who can't stand the noise/fumes emanating from power tools, vehicles, machines, and the like; would an extended stay end up being more nightmare than dream?  Or would it be possible to request to always be assigned jobs which would avoid being in their presence?

Hey, we never know unless we ask, ain't it?
