My property starts from the rd at only 30ft wide for a driveway and thenopens up to 200 ft wide behind the neighbor in front of me. Id like to make a 15ft to 20ft tall berm to block the site and sound of my neighbor and rd. Problem is, its within 200ft of a creek which means id have to pull a permit and submit an erosion control plan and get a civil engineer involved if i were to do this with dirt. I may or may not be doing other thimgs on site that the department of making you sad may or may not frown on, and so for this reason as well as my repugnancy towards the state, id rather find another way... also i cant get free dirt and that would cost me a fortune. However, i can get all the free mulch i wanted delivered by the dumptruck load for free bc theres a lot of tree services in the area looking for places to dump. My thought is to just pile the mulch up into a berm, as it decays ill add to it, and when it seems like its tall enough that after its full decomposition itll be sbout 15 ft, then ill plant it with trees adding topsoil to each of the tree holes. With it being as tall as i want it to be, id expect it would be upwards of 60ft wide. Ill have to be able to drive my tractor along its ridge as in order to continue adding mulch while it decays. With mulch so deep, will it ever become firm enough to drive a tractor on top? Also what are your other thoughts on the idea, does it sound feasible or unrealistic?