Kiara Gilbert

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since Jan 04, 2016
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Recent posts by Kiara Gilbert

Hi! My name is Kiara. I'm 30 years old, and I'm a single mom. I live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex and I have two little girls, ages 9 and 6. My youngest is autistic. After a round of chemo, we ended up having to move out of our home that we were renting and in with my mother. The chemo made working hard on me, and I would sometimes miss entire shifts. Needless to say, we're packed in like sardines with five people (my grandmother lives here as well)! I just started researching earthbag houses again after about a year, and am determined to get one built for my girls and I before the summer. I would love to be living in a low cost house that I built myself! I've set up a blog to follow along with my adventures in earthbag building, as well as help keep track of ideas I've come up with for it that I don't want to forget!

Can't wait to get more involved here and meet more like-minded people in the area.
9 years ago