Shaeliya Sage

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since Mar 27, 2018
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I am a hippy who never got over it - been basically homesteading more or less since early 20's. I am approaching 70, and believe the only thing that makes life worth living is to continue learning.
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Boulder County Mountains, Colorado, United States
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Recent posts by Shaeliya Sage

We need help and want to trade space to live for sheep care, about 25 hours per month, but based on the specific job.

Off Grid, in wilderness, 1 hr. from Boulder or Longmont. You need a 4 wheel drive for rough road travel.

Must have your own camper/bus/tiny house. You supply your electricity. Water is available to haul to camper. Composting toilets - no dump stations around.

You need to be someone who actively wants this kind of lifestyle: self sufficient, primitive conditions, creating own food supply, wanting to be deep in the wilderness away from civilization.

If you are interested, call or write. 3zero3-7zero9-1894 or twowings(at)
6 years ago
We are in the mountains of Colorado about 90 minute drive from Denver, an hour from Boulder.
6 years ago
This is really a long shot, but the only zero percent thing I could do is nothing at all, so here goes. We are looking for one more family to become part of our community. They recognize the necessity of living in self-sufficiency, think some form of primitive shelter would be fun, are stable, competent, self-starters, and friendly besides. We have some children here who could use some company. We are elderly, middle aged, and young. We have the land, don't have housing. We have water, space, nutrient rich soil, animals (don't have yaks yet, do have chickens, sheep, and goats) and isolation from the world, but close enough to commute to a job. We are not a commune. We are a community. Anyone want to talk to us? Write
6 years ago
Thank you, Burra! My first response to you was dead wrong. When I finally watched his video and explored his concept, I began to realize this stove is the answer!
6 years ago
I saw that one, but it doesn't look to me like it includes an oven (which I think means a bell is involved.) So, one of my questions is if I can have both a bell and a long bench.
6 years ago
We are going to build a rocket mass heater in our home. We have already built two RMH, but this project is a great deal more challenging. The two built and working heaters were with a 55 gallon drum, one that had no mass heat storage, the other that went through a bench. I am asking for suggestions on video, plans, books, etc because we want to create a stove in our home that has a cooking surface, has an oven, has a brick outer look, does not utilize a 55 gallon drum, goes through a heat storage bench, and uses a refractory cement rather than cob. Does anyone have suggestions for directions? Thank you for any help.
6 years ago